May 19, 08: We still have ice in front of the lodge, but by Thursday I’m expecting to have full access to the lake. As predicted it is going quickly and at this time we can access the back bay, Mink, #1, Far South, the Old Lodge, Woods Bay and we’ll likely be able to make it to #2 by the end of today or tomorrow. We’ve been setting up Joint Lake for the past couple of days, the main lake is still frozen but the river system is wide open. Aswap Lake still has some sheets of ice, but we’re going to be flying in supplies today. If the wind doesn’t change on us and blow the ice into the beach by the cabin we will have no trouble getting in there to set up. We’re hoping we still have enough time to build the new bathroom there, but we’ll see how things go today. Please check the link at the bottom of the pages for weather updates.

Our toll free number is now forwarded to the lodge but the phone is sometimes difficult to hear, especially right at the start of a conversation, then it gets much better. If at all possible, please use email as it is much more reliable and easier for us to answer while we’re in the lodge.

Things are looking much better now that the ice is going and the fuel, staff and supplies are almost all here! Looking forward to seeing the guests arrive!!