January 28, 2004: We’re half way through the Sportshow season and we’re back in Winnipeg for a short break. It’s minus 40 degrees here today and there’s more snow than we’ve seen in the past 3 years combined.


The winter roads are ahead of schedule and we’re taking delivery of the new boats and motors sometime next week. The new boats are for Aswapiswanan Outpost Camp. We plan to get them to God’s Lake and then haul them in with a snowmobile.

Bookings are right on par with most normal years, but we have a few prime spots that are not usually available at this time of year. June 2 – 6 (about 2 weeks after ice out) is available for a large group of up to 16 anglers. Of coarse we’ll take any size of group for that spot. We had a group who had booked the entire camp of 24 move to August dates, and we haven’t had many takers on this prime date. We believe it’s because we’re normally sold out in June and most anglers don’t bother to ask us anymore for those kind of dates. Please see the rates page for special deals and availability at Bolton Lake and the Outposts.

The outposts are sold out for May and June but we have 2 weeks available in July and 1 week in August at Joint Lake as well as 2 weeks in July and 2 weeks in August available at Kitchi Lake. Aswap is sold out for 2004.

We’ll keep you posted on the winter activities and bookings.